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Search Results
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A search for '100 Greatest TV Themes, Vol. 3' gave the following results:

21 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 21 matching titles
2014 matches in tracks
  1. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Themes From
    Michael Masser
  2. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Star Wars
    Michael Masser
  3. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from New York, New York
    Michael Masser
  4. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Deep, The
    Michael Masser
  5. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Black Sunday
    Michael Masser
  6. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Greatest, The
    Michael Masser
  7. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Bridge Too Far, A
    Michael Masser
  8. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Annie Hall
    Michael Masser
  9. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Exorcist II: The Heretic
    Michael Masser
  10. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Rollercoaster
    Michael Masser
  11. First Mission (03:03)
    from Ant-Man
    Contains themes from Marvel’s The Avengers composed by Alan Silvestri and themes from Captain America: The Winter Soldier composed by Henry Jackman
  12. Joey Scarbury - Theme From "Greatest American Hero" (Believe It Or Not) (03:14)
    from TV Land Presents: Favorite TV Theme Songs
    Theme from The Greatest American Hero (1981-1983) Elektra single #47147 (Pop #2)
  13. The Greatest Cause of All (01:40)
    from Spartacus: Blood And Sand
  14. The Greatest Cause of All (01:40)
    from Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena
  15. The Greatest (03:20)
    from Pink Panther, The
  16. The Greatest (03:20)
    from Return Of The Pink Panther, The
  17. The Greatest (03:20)
    from Shot In The Dark, A
  18. The Greatest Hoax (02:03)
    from Chasing Ice
  19. The Greatest Five Man Unit (00:00)
    from Red Army
  20. The greatest gift (02:20)
    from Return Of The Pink Panther, The
Show all 2014 matching tracks